The book 140 Years of Theater History in Itaúna, consisting of 240 pages filled with hundreds of photographs and clippings from newspapers and theater programs, delves into the memories of the performing arts since their beginnings, as documented in various forms by the community of the former village of Sant'Ana do São João Acima. This project was conceived under the leadership of the physician and director Marco Antônio Lara and financed with the support of the State Cultural Fund and the Federal Law for Cultural Incentives.
The graphic design of the project was carefully crafted based on three chronological divisions, reflecting the different eras that theater has gone through. Each of these parts was given a unique color selected to harmonize with the included materials. Furthermore, the double-page spreads were designed following a well-thought-out grid, providing enhancement and prominence to the documents and images presented.
Graphic Design: Sofia Nicodemo and Lais Reis 
Illustrations and Cover: Roberto Marques

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